Should You Use Distilled Water for a Steamer?

Since steam cleaners are a beloved ally in keeping your household sparkling clean, maintenance must be a top concern. You may be wondering if it’s better to use distilled water for steamer, since there are no minerals in it that can be left behind after boiling. After all, steamers will save you a lot of time on cleaning, but that doesn’t help you if you spend that extra time cleaning the sediment out of your steamer. 

Steamers are powerful cleaning devices that ensure impeccable cleaning results for your floors, carpets, furniture and all around the house. There are many different kinds of steamers, but they all work their magic with water and heat. High temperature steamers make for extremely efficient and quick cleaning.  

Read on to learn how steam cleaners can bring new life to your home, and how distilled water affects the quality of your cleaning. 

What Does a Steamer Do? 

Few places are out of reach for this power machine, since they usually come with additional attachments designed to reach inaccessible places. Along with their efficiency, they are very easy to use. A steamer transforms water into very hot steam, which then cleans and sanitizes the surface it covers.

When we say it’s a powerful machine, we mean it. The steam coming out from the hose kills 99.9% of all germs, bacteria, viruses, dust mites and mold creeping around your child’s toys, stuffed animals, pillows, mattresses, furniture and more. In addition to those invisible threats, noticeable stains like grease spots in your oven, old dirt on your windows, radiators, even barbecue grills can be successfully cleaned with a steamer. So much for undefeatable stains!  

Steaming regularly will eventually reduce the number of allergens present, thereby creating a healthier environment for all members of your household. It’s no wonder steamers are the preferred cleaning choice for chemical-sensitive people as well.  

distilled water for steamer

Here are some of the top benefits of using a steam cleaner: 

  • Natural and effective cleaning method, which is good for our planet.
  • Budget-friendly, too. Forget the chemicals, disposable wipes, gloves and the rest of the equipment that is a regular part of your shopping list. 
  • Steamers are time savers. Since they have many attachments for their wand, you can easily access all those hard-to-reach areas with no effort on your part (such as: bending, climbing onto a chair etc.). It’s a marvelously elegant way to keep your home shiny as new. 
  • One point more to the efficiency: No sticky residue will be left behind and no suction is required.
  • Great for those with allergies, children, and for all pet owners, since it is chemical-free cleaning. 

As we mentioned, the principle on which all steamers work is quite simple: heat and water. Just fill the steamer with water, wait a few minutes for the internal system to boil the water and produce hot steam, which then goes out through the hose.

However, there is a catch. Tap water running through our pipes is, unfortunately, contaminated with various particles (from aluminum, copper, and iron to microplastics and other chemicals). Usually, it’s this very same water that we pour into the water tank of our steamers which then makes steam. As we repeat the process over and over, residue builds up inside of your steamer and causes corrosion and sedimentation. This in turn makes it harder and harder to wash away, consequently weakening the intensity of pressured steam coming out of the hose. 

What is Distilled Water?

Distilled water is created through the process of distillation. Basically, this means water is boiled, which leaves its minerals and impurities behind. The water vapor is cooled back into a liquid and collected in a clean container. After distillation, you have pure water: no impurities, contaminants, even minerals. It’s easy to see why it’s so popular when maximum purity is essential, such as sterilization of medical tools and the like. Which leads us to the next question:

Should You Use Distilled Water for Steamer Cleaning?

Due to being free of minerals and metals, distilled water is ideal for a steamer. It will prevent corrosion of its inside parts, such as the tank and the hose.  

Whether you are using a steam mop or any other kind of steam cleaner, the process of corrosion is the same. No matter the device, the quality of tap water can never compete with its pure, distilled counterpart. Additionally, after the corrosion of the inside of your steamer starts, it will take more time for you to properly clean the steamer, which can be rather annoying.  

Bottom Line

If you were asking yourself what type of water should be used in most steamers, we hope you’ve found your answer. Since the minerals and salts in tap water damage and shorten the lifespan of your steamer, distilled water is the best possible choice for your steam cleaner. Also, bear in mind that filtered water isn’t a substitute for distilled water.

So, the bottom line is, not only will you extend the life of your favorite cleaning machine, but you will also ensure that the pressure from the hose remains as strong as its first day. This will give you maximum cleaning efficiency for many years to come. Although you can use plain tap water, distilled water is by far the best solution you can find. 

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